What is a book award?

A book award is a recognition given to a book for its literary merit or contribution to a particular genre or subject. Book awards can be given by a variety of organizations, including literary associations, professional organizations, book clubs, academic institutions, and publishing companies.

Why award-winning books are important for authors

Winning a book award can provide an author with increased exposure and recognition, which can lead to more sales and opportunities for future publications.

But you don't necessarily need winners and rankings to achieve this. Competition can destroy a craft like writing. Instead on BookAward.com you have the opportunity to list your book in our featured area, as long as it meets the basic criteria.

Book Award Winners versus the Lindy Principle

Whereas authors are looking at book awards for exposure and recognition, readers are searching through book award winners lists to get valuable book recommendations. Many of them don't know that there exist far better filter for choosing your next book to read.

The Lindy Principle suggests that the longer something has been around, the longer it is likely to continue to be around. Applied to the world of books, this principle suggests that books that have stood the test of time are more likely to continue to be popular and influential in the future. This effect is due to the distance books display to an absorbing barrier which can render them insignificant at some point in the future. Besides the topic of a book, two properties of its author can point to a high distance to such an absorbing barrier: Erudition & Skin in the Game.
Read here how to write timeless books.

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